Tutorial Videos
We love the local church and you need help navigating communications in the digital world. We wanted to make the best resources and experts accessible to every church, no matter the budget, so we’ve partnered with Compassion Canada and the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities to bring the church a growing library of tutorials.
For free.
Compassion Canada
Canadian Centre for Christian Charities

How to Lead Creatives Better with Church Media Squad
As a leader working with creatives in different contexts and skill sets can be a challenge (to say the least).
So what do creatives need to thrive? How do we ensure that our communities are reached and our teams and vendors are engaged?
We're joined by Michael Tuszynski from Church Media Squad to share his insights and wisdom on all things Creative teams.

TEN TIPS to improve your Copywriting Skills for 2023!
Not all writing (or writers) are created equal.
Start off 2023 by taking an honest inventory of your writing skills..and then get better. It's a skill that will only help you as you continue your ministry and creative communications work.
We have TEN TIPS ... let us know which one resonated most with you.

Chat GPT: A Glimpse into the future (with Kenny Jahng)
What is Artificial Intelligence and is it turning us all into digital robots? Well no, it's no replacement for real human beings, but the advancements we are seeing are worth paying attention to.
To help learn more about A.I. and specifically how it's being used in a new platform called Chat GPT, we enlisted the help of our friend and tech guru, Kenny Jahng.
Check out Chat GPT here: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/

Digital Trend Predictions for 2023
2023 digital trend predictions coming in HOT!
We're seeing rapid innovation, launches and declines of digital products faster than we can account for these days. So which are worth your attention? Which are helpful?
We've got some tips!

Recession-proof Investments?!
Recession...a word and a circumstance we all hope would never exist, but here we are looking ahead to 2023 with it in sight.
But hope is not lost (because of course, Jesus) but there are really helpful ways to invest your ministry/church money to support and grow your ministries.
We're here with some helpful tips!

Thinking like an Ad Agency
Working on a communications team at a church or ministry can feel a lot like an ad agency -- constantly pitching ideas for approval, or feeling the stretch of managing different internal teams competing priorities.
In this tutorial, we're clarifying what your comms team IS and ISN'T and how to best work together.

What’s Your Organizational Style?
This week we're talking about style. And no, we don't mean skinny jeans or designer labels. We want to help you understand your personal leadership style and how it interacts within a team.
Understanding your style and others will help build psychological safety in your teams and get work done more efficiently!

Reaching out to People Who Left Your Church
There are many reasons individuals and families may move on from your church, and it's definitely not always personal.
We're here to give you tips on connecting with your congregation even if you haven't seen them in a while.

Social Media: Manager vs Strategist
Your voice, brand, initiatives and community can feel overwhelmed by scattered messaging or trend-chasing that detracts from the good news you're trying to share online.
Strategy and management are two wheels on the bike of your social media success and engagement. But how are these roles different? What's the benefit of dividing and conquering your strategy and implementation when it comes to social?
Tune in to learn the differences and how to build a comprehensive plan that works!

How to reach Gen-Z in 2023
How can you reach attract and engage with Gen-Z, our next leaders in the church, better?
If you haven't noticed, Gen-Z cares deeply about the world around them. Issues of justice, poverty, community and so many more.
So how do we use this knowledge to help connect with young people and our own desire to see justice on earth as it is in heaven?
Joanna has a few key tips to help you out!

How to Build Social Media Policies for Church Staff
Do you have social media policies for your staff and volunteers? With many using their platforms to share information and opinions, it is helpful to provide clarity before any potential issues arise.
So what should you include? How should you approach the subject? Joanna has a few key tips to help you out!

How to Communicate Year End Giving
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Well....almost.
In all the busyness and preparations that you inevitably have at your church or ministry job, there is also the task of communicating effectively the end-of-year giving deadline.
So why is it important? How can we communicate the gift of generosity to our people during a busy and sometimes expensive time of year?

How to Improve your Zoom Video Background
Love it or hate it remote and hybrid work models in our industry are here to stay. So how do we optimize the spaces we have to look professional, and creative while also functional for shooting videos at home or simply for the digital meetings some of us are in on a regular basis.

Compassion In The Midst of Tragedy
We’re chatting with our new friend Abbel Joseph, Program Support Manager at Compassion Haiti. Abbel specializes in relief efforts in the midst of tragedy and disaster to maximize Compassion International's impact on those most vulnerable.
He's sharing with us how we can learn from the realities of tragedy and be better, more compassionate leaders in our communities.

Top Apps for Communicators
What apps work best for communicators in 2022? I've got my top picks, what are some of yours?

How TikTok has Changed ALL Social Media
The digital landscape is changing more rapidly now than ever before. With social media driving marketing plans and communications strategies we are discussing how the latest platform to dominate, TikTok, has changed the way we operate for good.

Make Your Great Ideas A Reality
"Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally"
In this tutorial, we're sharing our tips for how to turn your idea or concept into reality. If you want to become more consistent and move towards your goals, then this tutorial is definitely for you.

What is my Podcast Set Up?
I often get asked what tools and platforms I use to run the Word Made Digital podcast. Well, I'm here to share everything I know, and my best recommendations if you're looking to get started or level up your equipment.

What's In A Name?
When planning an upcoming event, new ministry or initiative (or maybe even a whole new business) you might need to decide on a name. Does it really matter what you choose? Yes! Here are a few key things to consider!

Is It Ever Okay to Use Christianese?!
Every group of passionate people has an inner language that they speak. Whether you're a surfer, in a foodie group chat or in a secret underwater quilting club, there are terms and phrases that wouldn't make much sense to an outsider.
Christians aren't exempt from this. While most wouldn't refer to ourselves as in a secret club, we know that "Christianese" is alive and well. So what can we do?
We hope these tips help you when thinking about your communications plans that are inclusive and welcoming!